I have really enjoyed reading the C4K blogs of the students that were chosen for me. I had Shavaughn, Megan and Rachel and they all exude a passion for what they wrote on their blogs. Shavaughn was informative about what he thought of students who drop out of school, and by providing an example of one of his female cousins dropping out due to pregnancy, I saw how it affected him personally. I encouraged him to be more vocal with his other relatives who are thinking about doing the same, because he knew the importance of even a GED. I thought he could inspire them, and I believe that he will. I made sure to let him know that his positive outlook on staying in school would benefit him, and others, in the future. I will be rooting for him.
Rachel was a replacement student because my original didn’t have anything I could comment on due to it not opening. Rachel had been given the assignment of writing about the theme of the book through the quotes that were in the book. She chose the book, Slated, and hit the theme dead on. Her thoughts were making the book come to life and the way she composed her thoughts on paper showed that she really enjoyed reading. It was hard for me to realize she was a 7th grader, because she actually writes like someone much more educated than what you would think a 7th grader should be. I think this reflects on the enthusiasm she has and the teacher that she has, because the great students always have a great teacher behind them. I had Mrs. Meredith, and I know whoever made her mind think more critically will be with her forever.
The other student, Megan, was doing an assignment on her blog about writing comic strips for technology. She was required to pick the comics for her technology story and write illustrations for the comic strip. I commented on how great her research abilities were, since she had to do a lot to be able to fulfill the assignment requirements. Megan used her comparative skills to distinguish between two sites and she was able to articulate the differences in detail.
I think these C4K students are much smarter than what I have heard some of my college peers give them credit for, often underestimating what their potential can be. As educators (I teach martial arts), we want all of our students to succeed, so it really “urks” me when they are mentioned in terms that imply their minds can’t handle intelligent academia. I look forward to reading more of them throughout the semester, because they are educational to me, in the sense that I am being made aware of how competent our students are, and how I can be a positive influence on their lives.
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