Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog Post #11 Collaborative Blog

This weeks blog was a collaborative one that had our group discuss, via GotoMeeting, several teachers' use of 21st Century tech tools in their classrooms. It was a great opportunity for us to discuss what we learned from these teachers, as all of them used Project Based Learning to a high level of usage. Their perspectives were very convincing to me that PBL is the best way to teach, since it really engages the students and lets their passions fill the air. It was also exciting to use GoToMeeting as the medium for us to start and finish the project successfully. You can find the video on Youtube, titled Las Vegas Conversation. I hope you enjoy what we all talked about and learned from this collaborative effort by the Las Vegas Group.

1 comment:

  1. Very good job using and collaborating on this blog post.
